Best Paying Jobs in the World in 2013

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A great job is not same for people. One can find a job really excellent but the same job might can not attract some people. The most important factor for determining the job is good or bad is its salary. Lets see the best high paying jobs in world in 2013.

1. Surgeon


Surgeon Highest Salary : $181,850
SurgeonA Surgeon is a medical practitioner qualified to practice surgery.  Medicine is the most high paying career in current world. Therefore Surgery is number one job in terms of salary.

2. Chief Executive Officers


Chief Executive Officer Highest Salary : $140,880
A chief executive officer or CEO is the top-ranking corporate officer or administrator in charge of total management of an organization. A chief executive officer is very highly paid in any organization because of the kind of responsibility a CEO obtain. 

3. Engineering Manager


Engineering Manager Highest Salary : $140, 210
Engineering management is a specialized form of management that is involved with the application of engineering principles to business practice. Engineering Manager is one of the attractive career for you if you love designing and production related work and it highly paid too.

4. Pilot

Pilot Highest Salary : $134,090
A pilot or aviator is a person actively involved in flying an aircraft.Aviation industry is one of the most attractive job career. There fore pilot is one of the top job avaiable in the world

5. Dentist


Dentist Highest Salary : $132,660
Dentist is one of the most emerging career now a days. Due new invention of technology this profession is one of the top paid jobs.


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